toko (![]() @ 2006-07-30 08:12:00 |
Hikaru no Go fic compendium
I created this journal because I wanted a place to put a big ol' master-list of all the Hikago fic I'd read, enjoyed, and might want to find again. This is that list. It makes absolutely no claims to being representative, catholic, or even particularly fair -- for all that it's grown huge, and has apparently been useful to other people, it remains a catalog organized according to my particular tastes and prejudices, and its primary audience is still me. But if you find it helpful, I'm glad (and would be most gratified if you dropped a comment, if you felt like doing so).
If for whatever reason you would rather not have your fic linked to, just let me know and I'll remove it. Generally speaking I consider anything posted publicly to be fair game for inclusion here.
Because I'm getting tired of scrolling to the bottom of the post so I can add links to this, here is the edit link, although it won't work for anyone but me.
Top 5
In honor of Shindou's wardrobe and cross-linguistic puns, the five best things to come out of this fandom.
Inertia by
Touya gets married, and it all goes downhill from there.
Waterloo by
It turns out it's easier to climb a mountain when you're holding someone's hand.
When He Sees It by
Hikaru suddenly realises what he's looking at. Contains porn.
Only Happy When It by
Isumi and the rain. WayaSumi.
A Resolution of Territory by
arboretum in
blind_go round 5, and the postscript, A Pretty Good Year
The arc of adolescence is long, but it bends towards Touya. Contains porn.
The Good Stuff
HikaAki in every shape and permutation.
A Game for Two by
Kimi ga ima boku wo sasaete.
Quite possibly my favourite fandom Akira.
Blossoming by
Hanami with the in-laws.
A Whole New Apocalypse by
Hikaru has denial issues.
Flowers and Go by
It's not that Touya's actually said anything; it's how he says nothing that gets Hikaru all flustered.
This Isn't the Freaking Heian Era by
Touya hasn't been paying attention. But then, he's been distracted.
Just Desserts by
Delicious pastry treats and benevolent fairy godfathers.
A crossover with the manga Antique Bakery, but you don't need to know it. Although by the end you will probably want to.
A Better Person by
Everything Hikaru wants.
Forgetfulness by
Hikaru leaves something behind.
A Proof by Contradiction (Eight Primary Sources, Fragmentary) by
petronia in
blind_go round 1
Pieces of two lives.
Mirror Go by
Bickering and airplane bathrooms. Porn.
Name by
"Akira is brilliant at Go. But Shindou--Shindou is brilliant at life."
Five Years of Valentine's Days (And Then Some) by
Touya and Valentine's Day.
One Thing by
"Competitive boytouching." Porn.
Games Two Can Play by
Touya has 'normal' interests, too; or, "Touya no Monopoly".
Exhibition Game by
It's time for Hikaru to Meet The Parents. Well, mostly the Father.
Going Under 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3 by
Some ghosts hunger for things less innocuous than go.
Summer Storm by
Waya does not appreciate Shindou and Touya getting their drama all over his couch.
Not Just A River In Egypt by
Hikaru is defensive, but Akira isn't having it. Porn.
Could we please agree not to use that title for anything ever again?
His Name by K. Huntsman
Growing closer, in spite of everything: a mood piece, with sequels.
The Lacquer Box by
One button holds two lives together. Pre-porn.
One of Those Moments by
Akira's world changes in an instant. Drabble.
Go Robot by
One more robot learns to be something more than a (go) machine.
Yes, that was a Flaming Lips reference. I'm very, very sorry.
A Suitable Memorial by
Hikaru lays his ghost to rest. Contains porn.
Two Hands (But Not of Go) by
Hikaru seizes the moment; Akira, as ever, is a little slow on the uptake.
As You Are by
It's the very early hours of May 5th, and Hikaru doesn't want to be alone.
Normal by
Normality is a matter of perspective.
Crushes, Quizzes by
Akari gives Hikaru some romantic guidance.
Circumstantial by
Waya isn't very observant.
Of Fathers and Sons by
ladyseishou in
blind_go round 1
Explain It To Me by
trixie_chick in
blind_go round 1
Akari and the art of Getting Over It.
Untitled by
A middle-of-the-night conversation.
The Rumour Mill by
A lie can go halfway around the go world before the truth has got its boots on, but eventually the truth catches up.
I am so much with the ambivalence about this fic. It steps on half a dozen clichés, it's got moments in it when I just cringe, it even has an Akira Makeover, and yet Akira is somehow totally OOC and perfectly in character at the same time, the Hikaru-Akira dynamic is great, and there are also moments where I go "d'awwwww...".
A Study of Motion and Public Indecency by
Ways to say "I missed you." Porn.
Backing You by
Two misunderstandings and a misused go stone make a happy ending.
5 of Five: Breathe, Falling, Something I Need To Say, Just Like Summer Rain, and Never Let You Go by
chaineddove in
blind_go round 2
May 5th, five ways.
But seriously? No more May 5th fics. Ever. Please. It is like the frickin' Mirror of Erised at this point.
Snowfall by
zoesque in
blind_go round 2
Something about new-fallen snow makes everything so simple.
Existentialism by
mousapelli in
blind_go round 2
Here and now, we are alive.
Shindou and Touya are apparently at Coney Island for some reason.
Third One Between by
imbrii in
blind_go round 2
Secrets destroy.
Laying Stones by
"'No fair!' Shindou whined, collapsing on his back. 'You liquefied my brain with orgasms!'" Copious porn.
Augean Stables by
Shindou is getting on Akira's nerves. Then, suddenly, on several other things. Porn like whoa.
Untitled by
"Touya very carefully controls his voice, and says, 'Shindou? Is there something you want to tell me?'" Minor porn. Caution: may cause cavities. Friendslocked.
"This is so full of HAPPY! It's like being given the biggest hug ever. And icecream." —
Leg Room by
Hikaru is fidgety.
Hanging By a Moment by
verloren1983 in
blind_go round 3
Touya shows up early. Pornpornporn.
Response by
What Akira means to Hikaru.
Unspoken by
"Even if asked, how could Sai say, Yes, I can see your dreams?"
Tedomari by
"Akira wonders how either of them could have ever thought that this was simple."
Square One 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3 by
Someone who knows something they couldn't possibly know is out to get Hikaru.
Medium by
trensaddiction in
AU. Akira needs to find a ghost.
Not sure if this is meant to lead off a longer story or not. It stands very nicely on its own.
Resolute by
oneangrykate in axial_tilt at InsaneJournal
Touya needs looking after, and that's Shindou's only motivation. Honest.
Hilarity Ensues
Funny with brief outbreaks of crack. All HikaAki, more or less.
A Game For Three by
This is less a fic, more a literary manifestation of The Bad Place. And because of that it is awesome.
Just Breathe by
Touya has a brand new pair of pants.
Memoirs of a Go Player by
"Still not Meijin."
Adding to the Noise by
This is a great fic as is, but if I got my wish I'd like to see someone take the same plot point and give it the "serious"-fic workup. It's one of the cleverest insights into Hikaru's psyche I've seen fandom come up with; I'd love to see it explored.
The Sordid Truth by
Where Touya gets his entertainment. Dirty but not exactly porn.
Proper Introductions by
"Hikaru takes Akira 'home' to meet the family."
Not so much coming as... by
The most anticlimactic coming out in the history of the universe.
Plastics 1/2 and 2/2 by
Tesuji interruptus.
The Losers' Circle by
Waya gets propositioned. Three times.
This is a crack!remix; read the serious version, which is gen, sort of, first.
On Top by
Hikaru is very, very drunk, and Waya hasn't done anything to deserve this.
Dress Me Up by
A lavender shirt, a misunderstanding, and Hikaru pitching the spaz to end all spazzes.
Crosses over with Prince of Tennis at the end, but not in a way that requires you to know anything about it.
Two by
Akira demonstrates the fine art of pushing Hikaru's buttons. Drabble.
Two by Four by
flonnebonne in
blind_go round 1
It's good to try something different, but it doesn't always work out, especially if you're drunk at the time.
Lonely Rolling Star by
zoesque in
blind_go round 1
Akira ♥ Katamari.
The Obligatory "It's Touya's Birthday" Fic by
Hikaru needs a sweater.
Five Inappropriate Uses Of Go Stones Hikaru Has Committed by
Really rather self-explanatory. Drabble.
Go Players in Love (and Other Alien Life Forms) by
Hikaru and Akira. And things bursting out of people's chests.
Personal Territory by
jain in
blind_go round 2
Drunk!Touya. Really.
Turnabout by
meiface in
blind_go round 2
Shindou has his little victories, or so he likes to think.
Three Ways Touya and Shindou Were Found Out by
svz_insanity in
blind_go round 2
Hikaru is about as stealthy and discreet as a week-dead fish.
Two Pets Shindou Hikaru Never Had (But Touya Akira Desperately Wished He Did) by
Hikaru eats. Akira blurts.
Five Things About Shindou, Touya, and Sex by
"Shindou has Issues. Serious Issues. Possibly entire subscriptions. One more embarrassing incident and he will probably be able to endow a library."
An Extremely Unorganized Record of the Events Leading To the Cursing and Subsequent De-Cursing of One Shindou Hikaru by
takewing in
blind_go round 3
Wherein Shindou Hikaru becomes obsessed with a block of wood. And I don't mean his head. Somewhat porny in places.
In Like A Lion by
ukefied in
blind_go round 5
Hikaru moves out, and Akira, after a little confusion, moves in.
Things Shindou Hikaru Never Had to Deal with Before Living with Touya Akira by
"7. Losing embarrassingly spectacularly to Touya when Touya undoes the top two buttons of his Oxford shirt halfway through a game, and the top of it slips open enough to show Touya's collar bones when he bows his head over the goban."
Hikaru's Friends Have Sex Lives Too
Non-HikaAki pairings. This section will always be short because good WayaSumi is bafflingly thin on the ground and pairings involving Ogata and Kaga bore me.
...oh god, was that an Ogata/Kaga bunny that just popped into my head?
Soft Drink by
Waya is horny, and clueless, and has a can of Coke in his pants.
Homecoming by
WayaSumi. Isumi is back. Waya is (still) clueless.
Dangling the Carrot by
WayaSumi. Isumi is nervous and fixated on the age difference. Waya is horny and fixated on Isumi's pants. (With sequels.)
Epiphany by
WayaSumi. There is one very important reason why Isumi could never have stayed in China.
Foreplay by
Waya is feeling put-upon. Sort of HikaAki, sort of WayaSumi, sort of slashy gen.
Needless by
trixie_chick in
blind_go round 1
Another entry in the Waya Is Clueless Files, with extra put-upon!Touya on the side. Tending crackwards.
Kifu by
Another such victory and Ogata is undone. One-sided OgaAki lust, and other things.
Leaving by
zhynchan in
blind_go round 1
Why Ogata prefers white. OgaAshi.
I think this is the first "straight" (ahahaha) Ogata/Ashiwara fic I've ever liked.
Misery Loves Company by
reality_is in
blind_go round 1
Ashiwara unburdens himself on a sympathetic ear. OgaAshi, crack.
Anti-Theft Device by
KishimotoMitani. Two approaches to life.
The Shape of the Stones by
WayaSumi, IsuLePing. There's a fine line between being scared and just being a jackass, and Isumi knows Waya has never been good with fine lines.
The End of the World by
mmmdraco in
blind_go round 2
Ogata and Hikaru. Explicit sex. Seriously, seriously creepy and twitch-inducing. Possibly the definitive child-molester!Ogata fic.
The Road of No Return by
aoyagi in
blind_go round 2
OgaAshi, OgaSomeoneElse. "If you won't love me, I'll have you hate me. I won't settle for ignorance."
Questions, Some Answers by
zoesque in
blind_go round 2
Ogata doesn't do romantic. zomgtehHET.
Untitled by
blind_go round 2
WayaSumi. Even Isumi has only so much self-control.
Oops by
imbrii in
blind_go round 2
Ashiwara has an encounter in the Institute bathrooms. Whatever pairing you expect this to be, you're wrong.
Sharing Space by
Compatible personalities. Isumi/Touya.
There is no way on earth this should work, and yet, somehow, it really does.
Unexpected Developments by
Complementary personalities. Waya/Touya. Contains porn.
The thing where I mentioned that there's no way on earth this should work? Goes double here. See also this amazing fanart.
Peeping Ping by
WayaSumi. Le Ping causes a scene. Crack. There is also a rewrite from Yang Hai's point of view, but I like the first version better.
The Brief and Abridged History of of Ko Yongha by
chaineddove in
blind_go round 3
Ko Yongha screws his way to self-discovery.
A Game of Exile by
trixie_chick in
blind_go round 3
WayaSumi. The grand tour of Waya's insecurities.
Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow 1/2 and 2/2 by
doumeki in
blind_go round 3
Ashiwara/Saeki. Good things take time, and mistakes.
As the Grass Grows by
corbeaun in
Yongha is in control. Prelash, KoHon. Slightly porny.
Kids These Days, All Manner of Suspicions and The Break of Day by
Ogata signs up for tennis lessons, because he's been getting careless. Crossover with Prince of Tennis. Ogata/Tezuka sexual tension, heading pornwards.
You probably do need to know a bit about Tenipuri for this one.
Untitled by
"Waya finds out Isumi is gay on a Wednesday."
Mirror Go by
Waya gets a taste of his own medicine.
zomg teh Gen
It does exist, although when Hikaru and Akira are in the same place even the gen is pretty fucking gay.
Things That Never Happened: House For Sale by
Touya Akira buys a house, finds a goban, and stumbles over what might have been. AU.
Just so indescribably sad. And I normally hate this genre.
Tea and Paradigm by
Things change.
Seance de Go by
It is a dark and stormy night.
Just A Normal Boy by
"By his standards, Touya Akira is a very normal boy."
A Pleasing Shape Takes Place by
In whispers and fragments, Touya learns about Sai. The tiniest shadow of HikaAki if you choose to look at it that way.
Twenty Diversions by
Isumi doesn't believe.
Things That Never Happened: Soccer by
Friendships and their fates; or, Hikaru no Soccer. AU.
Things That Never Happened: NOBU by
There are many kinds of ghosts. AU.
Dammit. I did say I normally hate this genre, right?
A Boy and His Ghost by
Everything moves in cycles.
Metonymy (The Ragin' Meijin Remix) by
"Four Meijin matches that Touya Akira doesn't win, and one that's still up for debate." Very minor HikaAki, and Ogata's foul mouth.
Left-Handed Go by
What happens when you tell Touya Akira that he can't use his broken right hand for a month.
Sunny Holiday by
"Hikaru calls it Operation: Break Touya's Shell. (Waya says Hikaru is lame and reads too much manga.)"
Hikaru no Golf by
Kuwabara-sensei is evil, Akira is phlegmatic, and Hikaru is getting victimized again.
The Games of Wu (The Light That Never Goes Out Remix) by
To Touya, playing Shindou is the most important thing in the world.
Nightingale Floor by
One of the many names for go is 手談, “handtalk”. Hikaru and Touya-sensei have a conversation about Sai.
In Vino Veritas by
Hikaru gets drunk and bickers... with Kuwabara-sensei. Peripheral HikaAki.
Generation Gap by
Three Meijin title matches and Ogata Seiji.
Things Left Behind by
flonnebonne (fourth ficlet)
Hikaru moves out.
Better Days 1/?, 2/?, 3/?, and 4/? by
murinae, initially in
blind_go round 1
Nothing good ever comes of waking up in the morning. Possibly preslash.
Reveille by
tarigwaemir in
blind_go round 1
Of Mitani and second chances.
Destined Rivals by
trixie_chick in
blind_go round 1
Once is never enough.
Gentle Invasion by
Hikaru and Akira discuss the importance of context. Preslashy.
Rashomon by
Ochi just can't wait to be king.
You will need to join
mirabellafic to see this fic. Read the userinfo first.
Schizophrenia by
aishuu in
blind_go round 2
A boy meets a ghost, and what happens next.
Do not read this fic if you are in a good mood and want to stay that way; it bears a startling resemblance to getting repeatedly kicked in the stomach.
An Incomplete and Cursory List of Hobbies Shindou Hikaru Has Attempted by
zoesque in
blind_go round 2
There's really very little exposition one can add to a title like that.
For Wanting Nails by
"Sometimes, a pebble is allowed to find out what might have happened -- if only it had bounced the other way." (Terry Pratchett)
This is one of those fics I hesitate to rec; the writing feels unpolished, and there are parts I just plain don't like, but somehow the whole thing has an arresting quality.
Enough Blame to Go Around by
Insecure much there, Touya?
Kono Dorobouneko! by
Nase steals Akira's toy.
A Change of Pace by
The challenges of making time for a game.
See what I meant when I said even the gen is pretty gay?
Par Delictum 1/? by
Mitani recovers consciousness in a back alley. Lots of swearing. Possible preslash.
Rush Hour by
Sai and Hikaru, in transit.
Monsoon by
nighteevee in
Ogata spreads his bad habits around.
Priorities by
Moving in, and the proper order of things.
5 media-related things and go by
They're the only ones who understand; everyone else gets it wrong.
Another entry for the "really really gay gen" files.
Kuwabara is Dead by
"Kuwabara Honinbo is going to die today at 3:26pm, but he doesn't know that yet."
Letters by
arboretum in
bookshop's charity ficathon
Hikaru receives a note from the past.
Heeeeeyyyyyy, meta-meta-meta-meta...
Love letters to canon, etc.
elektra3's ship manifesto.
harukami's Hikaru no Go picture post.
ina's timeline of events in Hikaru no Go.
I did not know that Hikaru's game with Ko Yeong-ha was on May 5th. Once again, the canon one-ups fandom.
kamitra's master list of Hikaru no Go characters, with names in kanji and kana.
flonnebonne's compendium of glorious, glorious butt shots.
It tells you something about me that I found this post and immediately thought of no less than three other favourite ass shots that she'd left out.
svz_insanity's Hikaru no Go primer and ship manifesto.
Plus a bunch of fic recs at the end.
Official character sketches from the end of the last volume of the manga, part one and part two, scanned by
ontogenesis's extensive reference photos of the Nihon Ki-in.
It's amazing how realistic the manga depiction was.
Oh, The Places You'll Go...
Large concentrations of HnG fic, of varying quality, for the truly insatiable appetite.
Collected works
The collected works of
The collected works of
The collected works of
The collected works of
The (few) collected works of
The collected works of
aishuu, at
The collected works of
Rec lists
reality_is's recs.
daisy_chan's recs.
best_of_hikago. (Long dead, and I'm skeptical about the "best", but...)
aishuu's recs tagged "hikaru no go", at
There is a decent-sized list of recs at the end of
svz_insanity's Hikaru no Go primer/ship manifesto.
The "akira/hikaru" tag on
Jumpy Boys!: Hikaru no Go.
Skyehawke: Hikaru no Go. Hikaru no Go.
Fora and communities
hikago_yaoi. (HikaAki slash only.)
igo_yaoi. (Ecumenical slash.)
hikago_djs. (Scanned doujin, some translated, some not.)
hikarunogo. (All things HnG including gen and *gasp* het.)
The forums. (The main site's been in hibernation for some time.)
And we mustn't forget the pretty, pretty pictures
zoesque's guide to Japanese fanart sites.
So, so many pretty, pretty pictures. I just did the Homer Simpson catatonic drool thing, but that's OK, because nobody saw me.
svz_insanity's massive repository of random HikaAki fanart.
ladysorka's high-resolution scans of the Hikaru no Go artbook.
Originally scanned by Toriyama's World, the people who scanlated the manga and started this whole thing.
dumbimps draws Waya kissing Touya.
The Gay What I Wrote
Occasionally I write, too.
Personal Care
Akira. Hikaru. Morning routines.
Sometimes the rules change, and nobody tells you.
Brief Encounter
I was invited to speculate on how Waya lost his virginity.
"'Yongha's really not so bad,' Suyon suddenly blurts, and Hikaru almost chokes on his burger."
Either a microfic or a maxidrabble.
See also my fic and random lines tags for everything I've written, in various fandoms.
I created this journal because I wanted a place to put a big ol' master-list of all the Hikago fic I'd read, enjoyed, and might want to find again. This is that list. It makes absolutely no claims to being representative, catholic, or even particularly fair -- for all that it's grown huge, and has apparently been useful to other people, it remains a catalog organized according to my particular tastes and prejudices, and its primary audience is still me. But if you find it helpful, I'm glad (and would be most gratified if you dropped a comment, if you felt like doing so).
If for whatever reason you would rather not have your fic linked to, just let me know and I'll remove it. Generally speaking I consider anything posted publicly to be fair game for inclusion here.
Because I'm getting tired of scrolling to the bottom of the post so I can add links to this, here is the edit link, although it won't work for anyone but me.
jump to:
top 5 - serious hikaaki - funny/crack hikaaki - other pairings - gen - meta - collections - my fic
Top 5
In honor of Shindou's wardrobe and cross-linguistic puns, the five best things to come out of this fandom.
Inertia by
Touya gets married, and it all goes downhill from there.
Waterloo by
It turns out it's easier to climb a mountain when you're holding someone's hand.
When He Sees It by
Hikaru suddenly realises what he's looking at. Contains porn.
Only Happy When It by
Isumi and the rain. WayaSumi.
A Resolution of Territory by
The arc of adolescence is long, but it bends towards Touya. Contains porn.
The Good Stuff
HikaAki in every shape and permutation.
A Game for Two by
Kimi ga ima boku wo sasaete.
Quite possibly my favourite fandom Akira.
Blossoming by
Hanami with the in-laws.
A Whole New Apocalypse by
Hikaru has denial issues.
Flowers and Go by
It's not that Touya's actually said anything; it's how he says nothing that gets Hikaru all flustered.
This Isn't the Freaking Heian Era by
Touya hasn't been paying attention. But then, he's been distracted.
Just Desserts by
Delicious pastry treats and benevolent fairy godfathers.
A crossover with the manga Antique Bakery, but you don't need to know it. Although by the end you will probably want to.
A Better Person by
Everything Hikaru wants.
Forgetfulness by
Hikaru leaves something behind.
A Proof by Contradiction (Eight Primary Sources, Fragmentary) by
Pieces of two lives.
Mirror Go by
Bickering and airplane bathrooms. Porn.
Name by
"Akira is brilliant at Go. But Shindou--Shindou is brilliant at life."
Five Years of Valentine's Days (And Then Some) by
Touya and Valentine's Day.
One Thing by
"Competitive boytouching." Porn.
Games Two Can Play by
Touya has 'normal' interests, too; or, "Touya no Monopoly".
Exhibition Game by
It's time for Hikaru to Meet The Parents. Well, mostly the Father.
Going Under 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3 by
Some ghosts hunger for things less innocuous than go.
Summer Storm by
Waya does not appreciate Shindou and Touya getting their drama all over his couch.
Not Just A River In Egypt by
Hikaru is defensive, but Akira isn't having it. Porn.
Could we please agree not to use that title for anything ever again?
His Name by K. Huntsman
Growing closer, in spite of everything: a mood piece, with sequels.
The Lacquer Box by
One button holds two lives together. Pre-porn.
One of Those Moments by
Akira's world changes in an instant. Drabble.
Go Robot by
One more robot learns to be something more than a (go) machine.
Yes, that was a Flaming Lips reference. I'm very, very sorry.
A Suitable Memorial by
Hikaru lays his ghost to rest. Contains porn.
Two Hands (But Not of Go) by
Hikaru seizes the moment; Akira, as ever, is a little slow on the uptake.
As You Are by
It's the very early hours of May 5th, and Hikaru doesn't want to be alone.
Normal by
Normality is a matter of perspective.
Crushes, Quizzes by
Akari gives Hikaru some romantic guidance.
Circumstantial by
Waya isn't very observant.
Of Fathers and Sons by
Explain It To Me by
Akari and the art of Getting Over It.
Untitled by
A middle-of-the-night conversation.
The Rumour Mill by
A lie can go halfway around the go world before the truth has got its boots on, but eventually the truth catches up.
I am so much with the ambivalence about this fic. It steps on half a dozen clichés, it's got moments in it when I just cringe, it even has an Akira Makeover, and yet Akira is somehow totally OOC and perfectly in character at the same time, the Hikaru-Akira dynamic is great, and there are also moments where I go "d'awwwww...".
A Study of Motion and Public Indecency by
Ways to say "I missed you." Porn.
Backing You by
Two misunderstandings and a misused go stone make a happy ending.
5 of Five: Breathe, Falling, Something I Need To Say, Just Like Summer Rain, and Never Let You Go by
May 5th, five ways.
But seriously? No more May 5th fics. Ever. Please. It is like the frickin' Mirror of Erised at this point.
Snowfall by
Something about new-fallen snow makes everything so simple.
Existentialism by
Here and now, we are alive.
Shindou and Touya are apparently at Coney Island for some reason.
Third One Between by
Secrets destroy.
Laying Stones by
"'No fair!' Shindou whined, collapsing on his back. 'You liquefied my brain with orgasms!'" Copious porn.
Augean Stables by
Shindou is getting on Akira's nerves. Then, suddenly, on several other things. Porn like whoa.
Untitled by
"Touya very carefully controls his voice, and says, 'Shindou? Is there something you want to tell me?'" Minor porn. Caution: may cause cavities. Friendslocked.
"This is so full of HAPPY! It's like being given the biggest hug ever. And icecream." —
Leg Room by
Hikaru is fidgety.
Hanging By a Moment by
Touya shows up early. Pornpornporn.
Response by
What Akira means to Hikaru.
Unspoken by
"Even if asked, how could Sai say, Yes, I can see your dreams?"
Tedomari by
"Akira wonders how either of them could have ever thought that this was simple."
Square One 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3 by
Someone who knows something they couldn't possibly know is out to get Hikaru.
Medium by
AU. Akira needs to find a ghost.
Not sure if this is meant to lead off a longer story or not. It stands very nicely on its own.
Resolute by
Touya needs looking after, and that's Shindou's only motivation. Honest.
Hilarity Ensues
Funny with brief outbreaks of crack. All HikaAki, more or less.
A Game For Three by
This is less a fic, more a literary manifestation of The Bad Place. And because of that it is awesome.
Just Breathe by
Touya has a brand new pair of pants.
Memoirs of a Go Player by
"Still not Meijin."
Adding to the Noise by
This is a great fic as is, but if I got my wish I'd like to see someone take the same plot point and give it the "serious"-fic workup. It's one of the cleverest insights into Hikaru's psyche I've seen fandom come up with; I'd love to see it explored.
The Sordid Truth by
Where Touya gets his entertainment. Dirty but not exactly porn.
Proper Introductions by
"Hikaru takes Akira 'home' to meet the family."
Not so much coming as... by
The most anticlimactic coming out in the history of the universe.
Plastics 1/2 and 2/2 by
Tesuji interruptus.
The Losers' Circle by
Waya gets propositioned. Three times.
This is a crack!remix; read the serious version, which is gen, sort of, first.
On Top by
Hikaru is very, very drunk, and Waya hasn't done anything to deserve this.
Dress Me Up by
A lavender shirt, a misunderstanding, and Hikaru pitching the spaz to end all spazzes.
Crosses over with Prince of Tennis at the end, but not in a way that requires you to know anything about it.
Two by
Akira demonstrates the fine art of pushing Hikaru's buttons. Drabble.
Two by Four by
It's good to try something different, but it doesn't always work out, especially if you're drunk at the time.
Lonely Rolling Star by
Akira ♥ Katamari.
The Obligatory "It's Touya's Birthday" Fic by
Hikaru needs a sweater.
Five Inappropriate Uses Of Go Stones Hikaru Has Committed by
Really rather self-explanatory. Drabble.
Go Players in Love (and Other Alien Life Forms) by
Hikaru and Akira. And things bursting out of people's chests.
Personal Territory by
Drunk!Touya. Really.
Turnabout by
Shindou has his little victories, or so he likes to think.
Three Ways Touya and Shindou Were Found Out by
Hikaru is about as stealthy and discreet as a week-dead fish.
Two Pets Shindou Hikaru Never Had (But Touya Akira Desperately Wished He Did) by
Hikaru eats. Akira blurts.
Five Things About Shindou, Touya, and Sex by
"Shindou has Issues. Serious Issues. Possibly entire subscriptions. One more embarrassing incident and he will probably be able to endow a library."
An Extremely Unorganized Record of the Events Leading To the Cursing and Subsequent De-Cursing of One Shindou Hikaru by
Wherein Shindou Hikaru becomes obsessed with a block of wood. And I don't mean his head. Somewhat porny in places.
In Like A Lion by
Hikaru moves out, and Akira, after a little confusion, moves in.
Things Shindou Hikaru Never Had to Deal with Before Living with Touya Akira by
"7. Losing embarrassingly spectacularly to Touya when Touya undoes the top two buttons of his Oxford shirt halfway through a game, and the top of it slips open enough to show Touya's collar bones when he bows his head over the goban."
Hikaru's Friends Have Sex Lives Too
Non-HikaAki pairings. This section will always be short because good WayaSumi is bafflingly thin on the ground and pairings involving Ogata and Kaga bore me.
...oh god, was that an Ogata/Kaga bunny that just popped into my head?
Soft Drink by
Waya is horny, and clueless, and has a can of Coke in his pants.
Homecoming by
WayaSumi. Isumi is back. Waya is (still) clueless.
Dangling the Carrot by
WayaSumi. Isumi is nervous and fixated on the age difference. Waya is horny and fixated on Isumi's pants. (With sequels.)
Epiphany by
WayaSumi. There is one very important reason why Isumi could never have stayed in China.
Foreplay by
Waya is feeling put-upon. Sort of HikaAki, sort of WayaSumi, sort of slashy gen.
Needless by
Another entry in the Waya Is Clueless Files, with extra put-upon!Touya on the side. Tending crackwards.
Kifu by
Another such victory and Ogata is undone. One-sided OgaAki lust, and other things.
Leaving by
Why Ogata prefers white. OgaAshi.
I think this is the first "straight" (ahahaha) Ogata/Ashiwara fic I've ever liked.
Misery Loves Company by
Ashiwara unburdens himself on a sympathetic ear. OgaAshi, crack.
Anti-Theft Device by
KishimotoMitani. Two approaches to life.
The Shape of the Stones by
WayaSumi, IsuLePing. There's a fine line between being scared and just being a jackass, and Isumi knows Waya has never been good with fine lines.
The End of the World by
Ogata and Hikaru. Explicit sex. Seriously, seriously creepy and twitch-inducing. Possibly the definitive child-molester!Ogata fic.
The Road of No Return by
OgaAshi, OgaSomeoneElse. "If you won't love me, I'll have you hate me. I won't settle for ignorance."
Questions, Some Answers by
Ogata doesn't do romantic. zomgtehHET.
Untitled by
WayaSumi. Even Isumi has only so much self-control.
Oops by
Ashiwara has an encounter in the Institute bathrooms. Whatever pairing you expect this to be, you're wrong.
Sharing Space by
Compatible personalities. Isumi/Touya.
There is no way on earth this should work, and yet, somehow, it really does.
Unexpected Developments by
Complementary personalities. Waya/Touya. Contains porn.
The thing where I mentioned that there's no way on earth this should work? Goes double here. See also this amazing fanart.
Peeping Ping by
WayaSumi. Le Ping causes a scene. Crack. There is also a rewrite from Yang Hai's point of view, but I like the first version better.
The Brief and Abridged History of of Ko Yongha by
Ko Yongha screws his way to self-discovery.
A Game of Exile by
WayaSumi. The grand tour of Waya's insecurities.
Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow 1/2 and 2/2 by
Ashiwara/Saeki. Good things take time, and mistakes.
As the Grass Grows by
Yongha is in control. Prelash, KoHon. Slightly porny.
Kids These Days, All Manner of Suspicions and The Break of Day by
Ogata signs up for tennis lessons, because he's been getting careless. Crossover with Prince of Tennis. Ogata/Tezuka sexual tension, heading pornwards.
You probably do need to know a bit about Tenipuri for this one.
Untitled by
"Waya finds out Isumi is gay on a Wednesday."
Mirror Go by
Waya gets a taste of his own medicine.
zomg teh Gen
It does exist, although when Hikaru and Akira are in the same place even the gen is pretty fucking gay.
Things That Never Happened: House For Sale by
Touya Akira buys a house, finds a goban, and stumbles over what might have been. AU.
Just so indescribably sad. And I normally hate this genre.
Tea and Paradigm by
Things change.
Seance de Go by
It is a dark and stormy night.
Just A Normal Boy by
"By his standards, Touya Akira is a very normal boy."
A Pleasing Shape Takes Place by
In whispers and fragments, Touya learns about Sai. The tiniest shadow of HikaAki if you choose to look at it that way.
Twenty Diversions by
Isumi doesn't believe.
Things That Never Happened: Soccer by
Friendships and their fates; or, Hikaru no Soccer. AU.
Things That Never Happened: NOBU by
There are many kinds of ghosts. AU.
Dammit. I did say I normally hate this genre, right?
A Boy and His Ghost by
Everything moves in cycles.
Metonymy (The Ragin' Meijin Remix) by
"Four Meijin matches that Touya Akira doesn't win, and one that's still up for debate." Very minor HikaAki, and Ogata's foul mouth.
Left-Handed Go by
What happens when you tell Touya Akira that he can't use his broken right hand for a month.
Sunny Holiday by
"Hikaru calls it Operation: Break Touya's Shell. (Waya says Hikaru is lame and reads too much manga.)"
Hikaru no Golf by
Kuwabara-sensei is evil, Akira is phlegmatic, and Hikaru is getting victimized again.
The Games of Wu (The Light That Never Goes Out Remix) by
To Touya, playing Shindou is the most important thing in the world.
Nightingale Floor by
One of the many names for go is 手談, “handtalk”. Hikaru and Touya-sensei have a conversation about Sai.
In Vino Veritas by
Hikaru gets drunk and bickers... with Kuwabara-sensei. Peripheral HikaAki.
Generation Gap by
Three Meijin title matches and Ogata Seiji.
Things Left Behind by
Hikaru moves out.
Better Days 1/?, 2/?, 3/?, and 4/? by
Nothing good ever comes of waking up in the morning. Possibly preslash.
Reveille by
Of Mitani and second chances.
Destined Rivals by
Once is never enough.
Gentle Invasion by
Hikaru and Akira discuss the importance of context. Preslashy.
Rashomon by
Ochi just can't wait to be king.
You will need to join
Schizophrenia by
A boy meets a ghost, and what happens next.
Do not read this fic if you are in a good mood and want to stay that way; it bears a startling resemblance to getting repeatedly kicked in the stomach.
An Incomplete and Cursory List of Hobbies Shindou Hikaru Has Attempted by
There's really very little exposition one can add to a title like that.
For Wanting Nails by
"Sometimes, a pebble is allowed to find out what might have happened -- if only it had bounced the other way." (Terry Pratchett)
This is one of those fics I hesitate to rec; the writing feels unpolished, and there are parts I just plain don't like, but somehow the whole thing has an arresting quality.
Enough Blame to Go Around by
Insecure much there, Touya?
Kono Dorobouneko! by
Nase steals Akira's toy.
A Change of Pace by
The challenges of making time for a game.
See what I meant when I said even the gen is pretty gay?
Par Delictum 1/? by
Mitani recovers consciousness in a back alley. Lots of swearing. Possible preslash.
Rush Hour by
Sai and Hikaru, in transit.
Monsoon by
Ogata spreads his bad habits around.
Priorities by
Moving in, and the proper order of things.
5 media-related things and go by
They're the only ones who understand; everyone else gets it wrong.
Another entry for the "really really gay gen" files.
Kuwabara is Dead by
"Kuwabara Honinbo is going to die today at 3:26pm, but he doesn't know that yet."
Letters by
Hikaru receives a note from the past.
Heeeeeyyyyyy, meta-meta-meta-meta...
Love letters to canon, etc.
I did not know that Hikaru's game with Ko Yeong-ha was on May 5th. Once again, the canon one-ups fandom.
It tells you something about me that I found this post and immediately thought of no less than three other favourite ass shots that she'd left out.
Plus a bunch of fic recs at the end.
Official character sketches from the end of the last volume of the manga, part one and part two, scanned by
It's amazing how realistic the manga depiction was.
Oh, The Places You'll Go...
Large concentrations of HnG fic, of varying quality, for the truly insatiable appetite.
Collected works
The collected works of
The collected works of
The collected works of
The collected works of
The (few) collected works of
The collected works of
The collected works of
Rec lists
There is a decent-sized list of recs at the end of
The "akira/hikaru" tag on
Jumpy Boys!: Hikaru no Go.
Skyehawke: Hikaru no Go. Hikaru no Go.
Fora and communities
The forums. (The main site's been in hibernation for some time.)
And we mustn't forget the pretty, pretty pictures
So, so many pretty, pretty pictures. I just did the Homer Simpson catatonic drool thing, but that's OK, because nobody saw me.
Originally scanned by Toriyama's World, the people who scanlated the manga and started this whole thing.
* * *
The Gay What I Wrote
Occasionally I write, too.
Personal Care
Akira. Hikaru. Morning routines.
Sometimes the rules change, and nobody tells you.
Brief Encounter
I was invited to speculate on how Waya lost his virginity.
"'Yongha's really not so bad,' Suyon suddenly blurts, and Hikaru almost chokes on his burger."
Either a microfic or a maxidrabble.
See also my fic and random lines tags for everything I've written, in various fandoms.