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Slasher Resorts: Places to visit for the Armchair TravelerAll of the following links have been recommended for Armchairers, by Armchairers. This is very much still an (ongoing) list-in-progress, so bear with us! :) FAQ Contents
The definitive resource for everything you could possibly hope to know about Harry Potter. the up-to-the-minute buzz on all things HP. So much discussion, so little time. It's all right here, folks. This is a fantastic Harry Potter group. It's updated very often, and has a lot of useful information. We have fanfiction and fanart contests, role play, and much more! In July of 2003, the world's first international Harry Potter Symposium was held in Orlando, Florida. In 2005, it's happening again. Get all the info, latest and up-to-date, on the next annual HP Conference sponsored by HP Education. Links include livejournal community and message boards. More essays and theorizing than you could shake a wand at. Forums4Fans is a huge but welcoming message board community. The H/D thread on the HP Board usually features a whole slew of H/D fic recs and is generally hopping. why do we love him so? the most well-known and oft-cited resource for writers of slash fanfiction. It's written and maintained by a gay man who's actually *done* most of the stuff we usually just writ eabout. Public Fanfiction Archives:
One of the best fic archives out there. Features some of the classics of H/D fics, including Shalott's "Weather" series. Harry Potter archive. Allows for self-uploading. NC-17 fics allowed. Works very much like FFnet!!! The Harry Potter category at fanfiction.net. Use the handy-dandy dropdown search key to find oodles and oodles of H/D fics. Armchair_Slash is not responsible for assuring the quality of said fics... A selective slash archive devoted to the Malfoys. All stories must have a Malfoy in the primary pairing. All ratings (although emphasis is on R and NC-17) and most genres (no mpregs or Mary Sues) accepted. a specifically NC-17 Harry Potter slash archive. Features all pairings. Adults only. Schnoogle--Novel-length fanfics at Fiction Alley. at Fiction Alley. Romance galore. the '3rd house' at FA. Angsty, dark, delightful. A really nice archive for slash pairings featuring James and Harry (not together!). Run by Sarvihaara. There's a whole lovely H/D section to keep you reading for hours. an ff.net-style archive for HP fics. a well-maintained, slash-only archive with a vast and growing collection of fics. begun as something of a joke, this small archive nevertheless features works by some of the best writers in the fandom. A fanfic archive featuring Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Mutant X, and more... Harry/Draco stories preferred. Popular Mailing Lists:
the yahoo group for discussion of two of the fandom's most popular authors. Run by Ivy Blossom, Veela, Inc is a large, high-traffic list for slash of all kinds. In addition to hosting fanfic, the website is full of resources, including an excellent fandom glossary. A Draco-centric slash archive and discussion list, created by Rhysenn and run by IvyBlossom. the companion mailing list for the Potter Slash Archive. Slash and more slash. Harry Potter slash recommendation mailing list. A popular general HP Slash list. You must be of age to join. Formerly the companion mailing list for the Harry & Draco website, this list is now a repository for fics and recs of all shapes and sizes. A Harry Potter slash fiction challenge ML currently about to start its first fiction fests. A group dedicated to story recs. The idea is to promote good writing, characterisation, style; and to explain why you like your favourite authors. Genre doesn't much matter: this will be a slash-friendly list, but PG, gen, het, etc., recommendations are all welcome, from vignettes to novel-length. Do please join and chip in! A Harry Potter slash fiction challenge ML currently about to start its first fiction fests. Harry Potter Fanfiction Rec Sites:
Fan Sites:
H/D site with loads of goodies and a fanlisting. They could use a good update but here you can find a variety of HP t-shirts, merchandise, etc. Fun, reliable web-based email with an HP Slash domain name. Self-Contained-Underwater-Shipping-Apparatus. Essentially, this is the shippers forum at FAP. By far the most popular forum in the park. Hop on the H/D ship, the S.S. Guns & Handcuffs--so named in honor of the legendary Snitch! and Irresistible Poison Find out exactly *why* Sirius and Remus are significant names--and that's just the beginning... Claim that you're Sirius & try to undress him completely. :D So funny! Check out the sites & add yours! Popular Livejournal Communities:
Widely considered to be the best Harry Potter RPG around, Nocturne Alley has been going strong for nearly two years--and it's H/D. (more coming in about an hour, i promise :) ) Armchair Featured Authors:
All Amalin's fics, including Two Lost Souls link to all of Bracken's fics at the PSA, including The Playing Field/ Rematch. Links to the Draco Trilogy. Check the astronomy tower or her livejournal for other fics. Direct links to Cinnamon's chaptered H/D fics, including Beneath You and Beautiful World. Erin's home page--fics and recs for multiple fandoms. Includes How Harry Potter Got His Groove Back. Personal home page. Includes all HP fanfic. Olympia M's Harry Potter Fics, including the TTSP Series links to Penguin's ff.net profile, until a better location pops up her personal site, with links to all her fics plus recs. Includes Draco in Darkness Personal site. Includes Irresistible Poison plus fics for multiple fandoms. Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin, plus newer works-in-progress. Personal home page for Sara (addictedkitten). Includes all HP fics. Personal site. Links to multiple fandom fics, plus my beloved Weather of the Heart personal site where you can find every one of Silvia's fabulous fics. Vinagrette's fan fiction profile. The original, uncensored version of Vinagrette's "The Perfect Imperfection." ~~~~~~~~ And more to come. Happy Armchairing! The Armchair Mods