w  e  a  p  o  n      o  f      c  h  o  i  c  e

  f i c t i o n   b y   d a t e  /  p a i r i n g  /  l e n g t h  /  r a t i n g


The most recently published stories are listed first. Stories that have been recommended by others have a 'RECOMMENDED' attached to them.

Stories by year:

2004: June 2004 / May 2004 / Apr 2004 / Mar 2004 / Feb 2004 / Jan 2004

2003: Dec 2003 / Nov 2003 / Oct 2003 / Sep 2003 / Jun 2003 / Apr 2003 / Mar 2003

2002: Nov 2002 / Oct 2002


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'Simulacrum' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17
Snape condescends. In his fashion. Part six of the Simulacra Series.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, under-aged sex, dirty talk, bondage.

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'Odds and Evens' - Rolanda Hooch / Other Female Character - RATED R
Fragments of Hooch's life.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content near the end. A certain obsession with brooms.

'Aftermath' - Sirius Black / Harry Potter, Sirius Black / James Potter - RATED PG-13
Harry in the aftermath of OotP.
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts.

'Be the Serpent' - Albus Dumbledore / Tom Riddle - RATED R
Dumbledore and his regrets.
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts.

'Pyre or Pyre' - Bill Weasley / Percy Weasley - RATED R
For Pogrebin, who asked for Bill/Percy in the Weasleycest Ficathon. Percy has his reasons for leaving home.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, incest, dubious consent.

'Green' - Remus Lupin / Other Male Character - RATED NC-17
The wolf is let loose. But to what purpose?
Warnings: Gore, quasi-bestiality, snuff.

'Revisionism' - Remus Lupin / Sirius Black - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
100 words exactly. A drabble on the nature of grief.
Warnings: Character death.

'Night Watchers' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
One week in the lives of two soldiers, partnered together by good fate or ill. Severus/Harry slash dedicated to Resonant.
Warnings: References to violence, sex and rape.

'Rise Before Dawn' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED PG - RECOMMENDED
A wintry little vignette. 'His cloak is a black wing against the snow. Fallen.' Snape, Harry and war. Implied slash.
Warnings: References to violence.

'A Town Called Whinging' - Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
A pretty freestyle, fantastical sketch of an alternate universe wherein the rugged Sheriff Potter and the high-class dandy, Draco Malfoy, clash wits. And, er... other things. Humor, guns and slash.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, violence and blatant classism on the behalf of Draco.

'Dream Boxes' - Dudley Dursley / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Dudley dreams.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, homicide, voyeurism, masturbation and unstable mental states.

'Blood Money' - Remus Lupin / Other Male Character, Remus Lupin / Sirius Black - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Remus J. Lupin has an unconventional grieving process.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, vampirism, prostitution, sex in a public place.

'Fucking Exams' - Various / Various - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
Exactly what the title says. A wild, slightly insane AU in which Sex Magic is part of the Hogwarts curriculum...
Warnings: Sexual references and general silliness.

'But A Voice' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
In his seventh year at Hogwarts, Draco is following in his dead father's footsteps. He has already spent almost two years in Voldemort's service. Snape, of course, has spent much longer--and he knows that history is doomed to repeat itself.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, dubious consent.

'Night Creatures' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Shortly after Lucius is taken to Azkaban, Narcissa Malfoy joins him there. Young Draco is left with no one to protect him... or is he? Written for the Sexual Healing challenge on Pornish Pixies and dedicated to Slytherlynx.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, dubious consent and references to rape.

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'Ritornelle' - Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
'Snow crunched beneath their boots, sharp and clear as crushed glass. Draco's breath shivered in little puffs in front of him, like one of Potter's Muggle cigarettes--but his hands felt uncomfortably hot and sweaty in his thick dragon-hide gloves.' A war-time interlude. Almost-fluff written for Enjoeyment.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content and poor accommodation.

'Blind' - Peter Pettigrew / Sirius Black, Sirius Black / Remus Lupin - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
A character study of Peter Pettigrew, MWPP-era. Implied Peter/Sirius and Sirius/Remus.
Warnings: Sexual references.

'Blank' - Sirius Black / James Potter - RATED PG - RECOMMENDED
Sirius in Azkaban. Set before PoA, implied James/Sirius.
Warnings: References to violence.

'Hands' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
A 250-word ficlet. 'He had beautiful hands. Knuckles smooth as stone, purpled with old potion stains and iodine.'
Warnings: Sexual references.

'Consummatio' - Lucius Malfoy / Severus Snape - RATED NC-17
Written for the Sexual Healing challenge on Pornish Pixies. Severus Snape has an epiphany on the night of his initiation as a Death Eater...
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, references to violence and genocide, dubious consent, somewhat AU.

'Recollection' - Lucius Malfoy / Ron Weasley - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
For Cheshyre, who requested 'Lucius Malfoy seduces Ron to the dark side...' as her Blame-Fest challenge.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, references to rape and dubious consent.

'Fidelis Constans' - Albus Dumbledore / Severus Snape - RATED PG - RECOMMENDED
'Albus Dumbledore measures trust in sips of tea.' A game of manipulation, loyalty and possibility played out in Dumbledore's office, just after the MWPP-era incident at the Shrieking Shack.
Warnings: References to violence and mind control.

'Third Wheel' - Ron Weasley / Harry Potter, Ron Weasley / Harry Potter / Hermione Granger - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
'Albus Dumbledore measures trust in sips of tea.' A game of manipulation, loyalty and possibility played out in Dumbledore's office, just after the MWPP-era incident at the Shrieking Shack.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content and character death.

'Mark' - Lucius Malfoy / Draco Malfoy - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
'And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes a shadow to another light.' - Kahlil Gibran. Lucius/Draco written for Slytherlynx.
Warnings: References to incest.

'Hunter' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Severus Snape bares his fangs. Gratuitous, AU-ish chanslash written in the tradition of good old Humbert Humbert.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, underaged sex, child abuse and references to rape.

'And Tell Me Who Is Victor' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Harry's journey from student to journeyman to soldier to veteran, with Snape as his tutor and partner in the field. Nearly 10,000 words long, and hence longer than most of my stories.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content and violence.

'Night Closed My Windows' - Remus Lupin / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
'Remus finds Harry in the attic, running shaking fingers over Sirius' photographs.' Post-OotP angst, tentatively Remus/Harry.
Warnings: None, apart from a bit of foul language and adult/child insinuations.

'Inertia' - Severus Snape / Bill Weasley, Bill Weasley / Fleur Delacour - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Inertia, n. 2: The tendency of an object to resist changes in its course of motion or velocity.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, infidelity and violence.

'Tempus' - Padma Patil / Parvati Patil - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Time moves faster for Gryffindors.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, incest and character death.

'Schools of Thought' - Millicent Bulstrode / Pansy Parkinson - RATED R
Two seventh-year Slytherins study applied philosophy.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, cross-dressing and an unauthorised perversion of Epicureanism.

'Silk' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Draco has a certain affinity for wearing silk. How does Severus cope?
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, cross-dressing and teacher/student relations.

'Woman Eater' - Pansy Parkinson / Hermione Granger - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Utterly filthy porn written for the Femslash Challenge. 'Pansy Parkinson likes being in control.' Possibly the most explicit porn I've ever written. And that's saying something.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, sex in a public place.

'Butterfly' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Written in honor of this masterpiece by Glockgal. Gratuitous chanslash set in Harry's third year, and hence AU.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, sex in a public place.

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'Love's Mysteries' - Walden Macnair / Various - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
'Love's mysteries in souls do grow, But yet the body is his book.' Walden Macnair: executioner, inquisitor and aesthete.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, extreme violence, rape, sexualized torture, asphyxiation, bloodplay, breathplay, knifeplay, sadism, voyeurism and bondage.

'First Blood' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Snape tends to his charges. Dedicated to Duckpuppy.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, ambiguous consent and references to violence.

'Reparation' - Padma Patil / Cho Chang - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Scribbled in 23 minutes for Contrelamontre's Grocery List challenge: a fic that includes 4 yellow things, 3 animals, 2 mind-altering substances and 1 pair of high heels.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content.

'Past and Future' - Severus Snape / Remus Lupin - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Severus Snape's life, measured in cauldrons. Snape/Lupin almost-fluff written for Brigantia.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content and what could be construed as a cauldron fetish--on the behalf of the author, if not Snape.

'Devil You Know' - Remus Lupin / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17
The sequel to 'Shelter the Foe'. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, references to violence.

'Brown Ribbon' - Ginny Weasley / Hermione Granger, Severus Snape / Albus Dumbledore - RATED NC-17
The Order's chief strategist is accustomed to sacrifice.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence and character death.

'The Simulacra Series' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
A series of POV-oriented pieces co-written with Sinope. I play Severus Snape; Sinope plays Harry Potter.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, under-aged sex, violence and voyeurism.

'The Offering' - Percy Weasley / Arthur Weasley - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
'He who offers to me with devotion only a leaf, or a flower, or a fruit, or even a little water, this I accept from that yearning soul, because with a pure heart it was offered with love.' - The Bhagavad Gita. Arthur Weasley receives a visitor. Set during OotP.
Warnings: Sexual references and incest.

'Ash' - Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
War-time angst written for Contrelamontre's 'Air' challenge.
Warnings: References to violence.

'Hallow's Eve' - Peter Pettigrew / James Potter - RATED NC-17
James Potter wasn't executed immediately on that fateful night. Hallow's Eve, 1981, after the successful assassination of Lily and Harry Potter. AU, obviously. Set in Voldemort's lair.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, rape, voyeurism, violence and character death.

'A Matter of Convenience' - Rubeus Hagrid / Severus Snape - RATED PG-13
Severus Snape interrupts Rubeus Hagrid at a most inopportune time. Humorous pre-slash written for the lover of all things Snagrid, Stan.
Warnings: Sexual references.

'By Any Other Name' - Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
The war is over. Draco may or may not have what he wants. A post-war mindfuck written for Aja.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, ambiguous consent and mind-play.

'Snitch' - James Potter / Sirius Black - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For Marks, who requested James/Sirius and a Snitch.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content and ambiguous consent.

'Harvest' - Padma Patil / Parvati Patil - RATED R
A Ravenclaw conducts a controlled experiment. Written for Berne, Sinope and Pogrebin.
Warnings: Incest and semi-explicit sexual content.

'Solvo' - Harry Potter / Severus Snape, Harry Potter / Ginny Weasley - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Written for the Death Challenge. 'One day, Snape doesn't come to teach them classes.' Snape/Harry if you squint; Harry/Ginny if you don't.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, character death and references to violence.

'Reprise' - Ron Weasley / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Written for a challenge on the Harry/Ron FQF: Harry breaks up with someone. Ron picks up the pieces.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content.

'Consonance' - Ron Weasley / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
Harry, Ron and Doxy-infested curtains. Post-OotP angst written for Under Lucius. Pre-slash.
Warnings: Coarse language and references to violence.

'Mirror, Mirror' - Sirius Black / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13
'When Harry got to the Dursleys', the first thing he did was to pull out the two-way mirror and call Sirius' name again.' Sirius/Harry, Post-OotP.
Warnings: Sexual references and character death.

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'Morsmordre' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Voldemort finally succeeds in storming Hogwarts, but what he finds is an empty school. He already knows that the children have been evacuated, but where are the teachers? Where is Harry Potter? Where is Dumbledore? [Eventual Severus/Harry slash. Two chapters so far.]
Warnings: Sexual references and violence.

'Letters' - Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
Vengeance is its own justification. Written for Contrelamontre's 'Letters' challenge.
Warnings: References to violence.

'Impromptu' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Severus, Harry and a rug. Pure smut written in honor of a particular work of fanart (see story for link).
Warnings: Explicit sexual content.

'The Cleansing' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17
A frightening AU in which Voldemort is ruling by the time Draco Malfoy comes to Hogwarts--and Hogwarts is, of course, a very different place.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, slavery, violence, bondage, ambiguous consent and genocide.

'Hate' - Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Harry Potter bests Draco Malfoy in all things. Even hate. Written for Lazy Daze.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, ambiguous consent, character death.

'A Journey In Ten Lies' - Bill Weasley / Remus Lupin, Sirius Black / Remus Lupin - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
People don't always want the same things. Sometimes, it doesn't matter. Bill/Remus slash written for Victoria P.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content and character death.

'Colloquy' - Harry Potter / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Some are born Dark, some achieve Darkness, and some have Darkness thrust upon them. Doppelganger slash written for Rushlight, Pogrebin and McTabby.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, violence, ambiguous consent and, um, self-love.

'Test of Loyalty' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Draco seeks vengeance. Voldemort is kind enough to grant it to him. Written for Painless J.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, ambiguous consent, abuse of power.

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'Shelter the Foe' - Remus Lupin / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
'Trust not yourself; but your defects to know, / Make use of ev'ry friend--and ev'ry foe.' Remus/Draco slash written for Isis, generously garnished with politics, adventure and sex. A three-part series, COMPLETE.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, ambiguous consent.

'Palindrome' - James Potter / Severus Snape / Lily Evans - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Written for Nope, who wanted Snape/James/Lily. Structure followed: 1 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 1. (Palindrome.)
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content.

'The Spelling Chronicles' - Various Pairings - RATED R
Based on LiveJournal's spell-checker. I ran all the words in bold through the spell-checker and got a list of 'corrected' words. The challenge (or rather, the insanity) was to try to write a drabble featuring as many of these corrections as possible. Some of the selections are quite surreal. Various pairings: slash, het and gen. But mostly slash.
Warnings: Sexual references, squicky pairings and warped humor.

'Such Love' - Weasleycest - RATED R
Inspired by the Week of Weasleycest. A twisted surprise pairing.
Warnings: Sexual references, incest, references to rape.

'Après-fuck' - Harry Potter / Ron Weasley - RATED R
Just a silly little drabble I wrote for Venivincere's Post-Coital Chat Challenge.
Warnings: Sexual references.

'The Untouchable' - Severus Snape / Sirius Black - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Inspired by the 'Snape and Sex' challenge at Snape100. Severus Snape, sex and inferiority issues. An MWPP-era ficlet.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content.

'Two Sides' - Harry Potter / Ron Weasley - RATED PG-13
Implied slash. Written for Contrelamontre's 'Proverb' challenge, in which all spoken sentences must be proverbs.
Warnings: Violence, genocide, character death.

'Claimant' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17
A small Severus/Harry drabble; very dark.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, rape, references to bondage.

'Learning by Numbers' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter, Remus Lupin / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Some lessons come at too high a price. Written for the 'Learning by Numbers' challenge at Pornish Pixies.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, character death.

'Night Music' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
His bones ached in the chill of the dungeon--he'd never noticed it before, this insidious, almost-comfortable chill, prickling like the breath of a Dementor. He'd never noticed it when he was younger, when he'd been too busy striding from one corner to the other, stiff starch robes rustling, muttering incantation after incantation, the names of potions parading across his mind.
Warnings: Character death.

'All In A Day's Work' - Harry Potter / Ron Weasley - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Unadulterated porn, written as a New Year's gift for Icarus.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, morning breath.

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'The Visitor' - Severus Snape / Rubeus Hagrid - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
The first time he'd opened that door, five years ago, to that blood-soaked, trembling figure--he'd never thought of the consequences.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, references to violence.

'A Friend In Need' - Various / Various - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
A pointless, silly little fic that explores what the world would be like without Voldemort. The Gryffindor boys have nothing to think about but sex and... well, sex.
Warnings: Playful OOC-ness and general stupidity.

'Protection' - Severus Snape / Draco Malfoy - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Written as a Christmas gift for Isolde. During the Christmas holidays of his sixth year at Hogwarts, Draco is recruited by Voldemort. But the ranks of the Death Eaters are dangerous for one so young, and protection comes at a price...
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, rape, violence.

'Freaks' - Dudley Dursley / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Dudley discovers himself. Written for the 'Fantasia' challenge on Pornish Pixies.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, under-aged sex, voyeurism.

'A Fairytale Marriage' - Draco Malfoy / Other Male Character - RATED PG-13
In which Draco Malfoy gets hitched, gets desperate, and ends up coming out to a house elf. Fear not--it's all for a good cause.
Warnings: Lame humor, adultery, sexual references.

'The Count' - Harry Potter / Severus Snape - RATED NC-17
Let the punishment be equal to the crime. A twisted exploration of future possibilities.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, blood-play, sadism and masochism.

'The Storyteller' - Albus Dumbledore / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17
Truly gratuitous paedophilia written in honor of Le Kink. An alternate universe in which Dumbledore took over Harry's guardianship after James and Lily died...
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, under-aged sex, child abuse, ambiguous consent, alternate universe.

'Room of Requirement' - Sirius Black / Severus Snape - RATED NC-17
They need to hate what they do as much as they need to do it. The Room of Requirement obliges. An MWPP-era fic, written for the 'Come Shots' challenge on Pornish Pixies.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content.

'Ruminations on Tenderness' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Yet another gratuitous drabble for Le Kink, improved thanks to Brodie's feedback. Harry Potter doesn't need tenderness.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, under-aged sex.

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'The Talk' - Zacharias Smith / Ron Weasley - RATED R
A humorous story originally written in the second person, but re-written upon consideration. Arthur Weasley wants to have 'the talk' with his son's new boyfriend--but Zacharias Smith, as we all know, isn't the best listener in the world...
Warnings: Sexual references, Hufflepuff sarcasm.

'A Man of Habit' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Severus Snape has an addiction. Unfortunately, it can only be fed three times a week.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, under-aged sex.

'Chocolate' - Parvati Patil / Lavender Brown - RATED NC-17
Two Gryffindor girls and chocolate. Just a bit of fun!
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content.

'Homecoming' - Nymphadora Tonks / Ginny Weasley - RATED R
An Auror returns from the battlefield.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, references to violence.

'Prisonnier de Guerre' - Harry Potter / Various - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
The experiences of a prisoner of war.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, rape, violence, slavery, starvation, neglect.

'Un Dieu Anonyme' - Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
A Muggle AU in which Draco Malfoy is the center of attention, and Harry Potter is the outcast...
Warnings: Strong language, sexual references, alternate universe, work in progress.

'Early Birds' - Harry Potter / Severus Snape - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
In which the house elves go on strike, there is no breakfast, and Severus Snape discovers a novel way to procure morning sex. My first attempt at a 'pure PWP', and hence somewhat tentative.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content.

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'Jealousy' - Hermione Granger / Minerva McGonagall, Crookshanks - RATED PG - RECOMMENDED
Crookshanks is jealous.
Warnings: Sexual references, quasi-bestiality.

'The Green Knight' - Severus Snape / Neville Longbottom - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
Severus Snape receives a few unwelcome visitors, and is pulled along on a mission quite against his will. Both the Ministry and Dumbledore appear to be conspiring against him--and Snape is, unfortunately, nothing but a pawn in a larger game.
Warnings: Strong language, sexual references, work in progress.

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'Red' - Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint / Percy Weasley - RATED NC-17 - RECOMMENDED
Percy tests Oliver Wood's theories. Not all of them survive.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, voyeurism.

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'Points of Departure' - Severus Snape / Harry Potter - RATED PG - RECOMMENDED
A moment between two soldiers. A drabble from Harry's point of view, slash implied.
Warnings: References to violence.

'No Longer Bound' - Sirius Black / Remus Lupin - RATED PG-13
An alternate universe based on the premise that Remus was arrested when he attacked Snape that night in the Shrieking Shack. What if Remus were the one imprisoned, and Sirius the one on the outside?
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, character death, alternate universe.

'Praxis' - Lord Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy / Draco Malfoy - RATED R
It is only just that one Malfoy should follow another, in all things.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, under-aged sex, child abuse, incest, voyeurism, alternate universe.

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'Speak Comfort' - Argus Filch / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
In the aftermath of Cedric's death, Harry is afloat in a sea of self-doubt and grief. But one night his escapism goes too far, and he is discovered by an unlikely ally.
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, references to violence, work in progress.

'Giver is Quiet' - Pansy Parkinson / Ginny Weasley - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
Power doesn't come easy to Slytherins.
Warnings: Semi-explicit sexual content, violence, abuse, references to blood-play.

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'Safe From Harm' - Lucius Malfoy / Severus Snape - RATED PG-13
An exploration of the young Severus Snape's initiation as a Death Eater, and his motivations thereof. This was initially published as a work in progress titled 'Heart of Darkness', but I decided to keep it as a one-shot instead.
Warnings: Violence, genocide, strong language.

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'Endure' - Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter - RATED PG-13 - RECOMMENDED
Draco pays someone a midnight visit, but all is not as it seems. Memory and reality converge in the light of the moon, and all Draco Malfoy can do is endure...
Warnings: Character death, alternate universe.

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'If Thine Enemy' [Outside Link] - Lucius Malfoy / Harry Potter - RATED R - RECOMMENDED
A botched 'Apparate!' lands Harry at the Malfoy Estate. The resident Death Eater, of course, gets more than he bargained for. My first and worst work of fanfic--and yet, for some strange reason, the one that has garnered a vast amount of reviews. (Positive ones.) Go figure. Ten chapters so far, this novel was last updated in March 2003. Don't think it's abandoned, though. I'm still working on it. 
Warnings: Sexual references, under-aged sex, ambiguous consent, violence, alternate universe, work in progress.


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The truth is often a terrible weapon of aggression. It is possible to lie, and even to murder, for the truth.
- Alfred Adler, 'Problems of Neurosis'